Past sermons available here.

9.30 am: Sung Eucharist
(with Kids' Church and Youth Group
during school terms)
6.00 pm: stjohns@6, contemporary
Additional Services
1662 Book of Common Prayer
7am: Second and Fourth Sundays of month (Eucharist)
11.15am: First and Third Sundays of month (Matins or Eucharist)
5pm: Second Sunday of month (Choral Evensong)
10am: Each Wednesday (Eucharist)

Welcome to St John's
St John's Anglican Church and its historic precinct is one of Canberra's treasures - an oasis of quiet and beauty in the heart of our nation's capital.
Since its founding in 1841, people have come to St John's to worship God, to learn the way of Jesus, and to be nourished by a church community.
Many find their experience of worship enhanced by the ambience of stained glass windows, works of art, historic monuments and powerful pipe organ.
The historic schoolhouse and surrounding churchyard - hosting the graves of many pioneering families and significant Canberrans - witnesses to the 'communion of saints' cherished by Christians.
Through our emergency relief centre, we seek to show the love of Christ to the vulnerable in our community.
We invite you to join us, and see if our St John’s community is a fit for you.